Friday, September 9, 2011

New piece in the SA Current highlights crusade against the DSABC

Writer Michale Barajas at the SA Current has a new piece on Commissioner Kevin Wolff and his apparently fervent desire to get rid of the DSABC, Wolff says, because its standing in the way of his goal to privatize the jail.  I'm not sure why Wolff is so intent on pursuing privatization given its sordid history in Texas and the obstacles in the way, not the least of which is the Sheriff.  Why he would rather risk the safety of staff, inmates and the community in an effort to save a few million dollars is a mystery given how many millions they have in the budget in discretionary spending that could be curtailed.  When cutting budgets, public safety is usually not on the chopping block.

The Current article paints Commissioner Wolff as intent on going after the union.  His blatant anti-union position is part and parcel to his role as the lone Republican on the Court and I suspect that he is looking to cement his position amongst Republicans and Tea Party members but his reasoning in this issue is lacking.  I contacted Michael Barajas at the Current and gave him some additional information and hopefully he can bring us some more exposure on this issue.  Check out his column and leave some feedback.  As always, let me know what you think by commenting or emailing me.

Writer Michael Barajas has also written on the topic of privatization in the recent past.  Check out these stories:

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