Saturday, October 22, 2011

Voluntary overtime? Get sent home. Mandatory overtime? You have to stay.

So, I just got home from working voluntary overtime at the Annex.  Unfortunately, I only got to work about an hour and 15 minutes before I was relieved.  Apparently, as of last week sometime, the Commissioners accused the Sheriff of mismanaging overtime money and now, if there is any overage of officers at either the annex or the main jail, they balance it out by getting rid of the voluntary overtime officers and sending them home.  What kind of jacked up shenanigans is this?

I understand that officers working overtime cost the county more money than a straight time officer.  I get that.

I understand that if we have extra officers available that we may not need the overtime officers.  I get that too.

What I don't understand is why the VOLUNTARY overtime officers are being screwed when there are anywhere between 8-10 MANDATORY overtime officers sitting in a unit wanting to go home after working an 8 hour shift already.  This makes no sense whatsoever.

Im preparing an email for DSABC President Janssen as well as Lt. Balditt who oversees our personnel issues.  The Lt. that sent me home believes that this may violate our contract with the county with regards to the overtime issues with C/D towers in the Annex.  He may be right.  I simply want to know why they aren't sending home the people that do not want to be there vs. the folks that sign up for the extra work.  Even more so, why aren't we using volunteers for overtime rather than forcing our people to stay over?

UPDATE:  10/29/11 Wow, how things can change.  I brought this issue to the attention of Lt. Janssen, President of the DSABC and he promised to take it to Sheriff's Administration for further action.  After doing just that, Lt. Janssen contacted me to inform me that the course of action previously taken should not have been taken and that common sense should have prevailed.  He further told me that Chief Dovalina was rather upset that this was being done this way and offered to provide an Administrative Directive.  Lt. Janssen declined that offer with the counter that he would speak to the other Shift Commanders and remedy the issue in that way.  Now, if you are working voluntary overtime, you should not necessarily be sent home before the mandatory folks.  Of course, he did offer the caveat that Shift Commanders still retain the prerogative to send home who they wish, but this is a major step in the right direction.  Thank you, DSABC and in particular, Union President Janssen.

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