Tuesday, September 13, 2011

KSAT discovers the jail staffing issue

And not a moment too soon......  Meanwhile, today was the day the budget was to be passed and if passed, a temporary restraining order was to be filed by the DSABC to bring the issue of our staffing before a judge.  Comissioner Paul Elizondo called it "sabotage".  Interestingly enough, Elizondo seems to be the latest Commissioner with his facts out of whack.  He told KSAT that the "state" has said we are 200 officers over our minimum required.  I sent him an email asking where he got those numbers and if I should hear from him, Ill post the reply but I'm not holding my breath.  Those of us that work at the jail know damn well we do not have 200 officers over our minimum staffing level.  Almost every day we are at our minimum staffing level.  I think it would be incredibly refreshing to see the media fact check these Commissioners and their lackeys like Haven for Hope CEO George Block and call them on their 'mistakes'.

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