So, here is the latest info... out with the old in with the new. The DSABC announced the election results and its no surprise that Lt. Janssen and his running mates were elected. They are well respected from what Ive seen and heard and lets hope that they have the good fortune and dedication to turn the Association around.
Booking is going back to 8 hour shifts, allegedly, due to the claims made by Commissioners Court that there is apparently a 10% 'waste' of manpower at the time that the shifts overlap. Im not a staffing genius, but when you change shifts, theres always an overlap of personnel. Many officers sought those positions in booking specifically to have the 13.20 hr shifts to spend more time with family and have their lives set up for that schedule. Also, some of those currently assigned to booking are being reassigned to the floors.
Classification is also slated to lose 4-5 officers across their shifts.
I wonder if any of the officers in the 46 support roles outlined by Commissioners are going to be reassigned.
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